Donate to Answers Academy

It’s no easy task for a Christian school to meet their financial burdens and this is where we humbly rely on people like you to help assist us. Thank you for considering to support our mission here at Answers Academy which is so important in today’s secularized culture.

  • Feel free to scroll through our Amazon wish list HERE and mail to Answers Academy at 25 Atlantic Ave, Erlanger, KY 41018. If you would like a donation receipt letter, don’t forget to put your name and address on the gift receipt.

  • To make a donation via check, please mail to: Answers Academy, PO Box 510, Hebron, KY 41048. If it is for a specific need, please mark this on the check.

  • To make a donation via credit card, please click HERE.

  • If you have items to donate, please call (859) 957-7309 or email

All gifts to Answers Academy, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Gifts given to a specific program will be used for that program. 

Why Support Answers Academy? 

Answers Academy is a unique Christian endeavor formed to help parents train up the next generation with a Christian worldview. The academy’s formation arose out of a deep desire to deal with the obvious need in our culture to combat the secular onslaught aimed at our children and to raise up godly generations who know how to defend the Christian faith. Kids today are essentially drilled in evolution, millions of years, secular morality, homosexuality, gender dysphoria, lusts, and many other sinful practices. Where do most Christian children learn these things? From much of the media, public education, secular museums, and sadly—to one degree or another—even certain churches.

About 90% of kids from church homes attend secular schools, and many parents would love to see their children trained to develop a truly Christian philosophy in every area. An increasing number of parents are crying out for an institution that excels in both academics and Christian education, with a focus on apologetics and biblical creation.

This school’s mission is to counter false teaching and train the kids to be disciples of Christ—holding to the authority of Scripture from the very first verse—so they will be prepared for the world’s attacks (Ephesians 6:10–20), able to contend for the faith (Jude 3), equipped with answers to skeptical questions (1 Peter 3:15), and be witnesses for the gospel in the world (Matthew 28:16–20). But we need your help.

Tuition alone does not cover the cost of the day to day running of a school and we still require donations to help the school continue with its mission. We have also tried to keep tuition nominal for students and this includes most fees.

As Answers Academy is a relatively new startup school (established August 2017), we are praying the Lord will bring people alongside us for prayer and financial support as we continue this step of faith to fulfill the intense burden the Lord has placed on our hearts. We ask you to please be in prayer for the school and to consider becoming a regular donor to help us in this vital mission to the coming generations. One-time donations are also greatly appreciated. 

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