The academic program at Answers Academy is grounded in Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” All subjects must start with the Bible as God is the author of all creation. It is the role of every Christian educator to shape the worldview of their students using the Bible as the authoritative guide. The teachers at Answers Academy  teach all subjects from a biblical-worldview perspective and challenge students to think critically and biblically about every academic subject. The curriculum for Answers Academy is carefully chosen to ensure that it is grounded in Scripture, apologetically sound, and academically rigorous so that it will equip the students with skills and knowledge to be ready for whatever the Lord has called for them to do after high school. No matter the direction, the students will have a solid foundation in order to defend their faith, become good stewards of God’s earth, and be bold witnesses for Christ.


Many of the textbooks used at Answers Academy are published by BJU Press. We appreciate the emphasis placed on academic rigor, critical thinking skills, and a biblical worldview stance.

Academic rigor is not holding a standard so high that it is frustrating to reach. Academic rigor is a learning experience that motivates the student at their academic level and pushes them to their potential. A big part of rigor is taking the student past literal interpretation/rote memory and challenging them to the highest levels on Bloom’s taxonomy to analyze, evaluate, and create. This type of learning develops incredible critical thinking skills and understanding the why behind what they are learning. We also incorporate logic classes within middle school and high school to help teach the students how to think instead of what to think and to spot errant thinking. We also hold the academic expectations high in the classroom and the student must be responsible and put forth work and effort in order to be successful.

The textbooks are consistent to look at each subject based on a biblical worldview. These textbooks repeatedly look at subject material like literature, science, history, and so forth from a biblical viewpoint especially in light of the Creation Mandate, the Fall, and Redemption. This is especially important regarding science and history where the world is constantly attacking children with the false humanistic history of big bang, millions of years, evolution, abortion, gender confusion, etc. Answers Academy also uses Answers in Genesis and Master Books material which take a strong stance on the authority of Scripture.  

As students learn the true history of what happened according to God's Word, they are better able to spot these common false claims and discern why they are wrong. These textbooks will also give students a chance to understand the nature of God and to have a deeper understanding of the world God designed for us that has unfortunately been marred by sin and a worldwide flood. 

Let’s take a look at some subject…

Mathematics is a unique language in which we can study and express abstractions of the physical world using logic. Everything in our physical world has features that can be measured and studied. When we isolate one or a few features for study, we see a reflection of God's nature: consistent, orderly and logical. Only by the absolute standard of God do we have a basis to do mathematics. God gave us the ability to do math so that we may better understand Himself and His creation and to obey His command to have dominion.

Science only works because God is upholding all things in a particular way and promises to continue to do so as long as the earth endures (e.g., Genesis 8:22). With God’s Word we can understand geology in light of the Flood, astronomy in light of Genesis 1, biology in light of God’s created kinds, etc. We also use science and the Bible to help us understand evidence. Everyone has the same evidence...the same earth, rocks, stars, DNA, etc., but the difference is the interpretation of that evidence. There are only 2 choices: God or man. A biblical worldview is where you start with God and His Word to understand the evidence (i.e. the worldwide Flood caused most fossils and rock layers). If you reject God, then you are relying on man’s fallible ideas and using that as your basis for looking at the evidence which is trying to explain the world without God - this is also called the religion of humanism which is sadly taught in the public school system today.

History starts in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Therefore, there is no such thing as “prehistoric”! The Bible’s record of history is inerrantly revealed to us by a perfect God. It is the absolute truth and when the world’s rewritten history deviates from God’s Word, then it is that alleged history that is in error. We oppose the false views of history that is being articulated in our culture. False history like molecules-to-man evolution, millions of years (geological evolution), evolved  from ape-like creatures in an “out-of-Africa” model, and big bang are challenged with the truth of history that uses God’s Word as the foundation. As kids learn the true history of what happened according to God's Word, they are better able to spot these common false claims and discern why they are wrong.

English - where do languages come from? Language was created from God to communicate with Him and each other, but now we have a diversity of languages because of what happened at the Tower of Babel. Language families left Babel with various family groups being put to written script, whether pictorial, alphabetic, etc. Then languages continue to change—adding words, losing words, changing definitions, changing grammar, tonal adjustments,  etc., to arrive at the various languages we have today (about 7,000 of them).

Logic - we are made in the image of a logical God who cannot deny Himself (e.g., 2 Timothy 2:13) and His creation is upheld up in a logical way so this helps us be able to properly reason in every area.

Fine Arts is grounded in the fact that we are created in the image of a creative and artistic God. When we do art, we are mimicking, in a small sense, what God did at creation.

Health/PE – since our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), we need to take good care of ourselves and what we do to our bodies and put in our bodies.

When subjects are taught from a biblical worldview, students form a proper understanding of the world, and an education at Answers Academy stands boldly on these truths.
