

K-5th grade

Bible: Answers - AiG 
Reading: BJU Press
Phonics/Grammar, Writing, Spelling, Vocabularly: BJU Press
History: BJU Press
Arithmetic: Abeka
Science: BJU Press
Handwriting: Abeka (K-4)
Specials: Technology, Library, Music, Art, Spanish, PE

6-8th grade

Bible (AiG):
-New Testament
-Pilgrim’s Progress/Christian Living
-Demolishing Supposed Bible Contradictions

Math (BJU Press):
-Math 6
-Fundamentals of Math
-Algebra 1

History (BJU Press):
-Ancient Civilizations
-World Studies
-American Republic

Science (BJU Press):
-General Science
-Life Science
-Earth Science

ELA (BJU Press):
-6-8th grade Literature, Grammar, Writing, Spelling, Vocabulary

-Specials: Technology, Music, Art, Spanish, PE
-Study skills and life skills
-Logic and health
-Keyboarding and finance

9-12th grade

Bible (AiG):
-Intro to Apologetics
-Archaeology & Apologetics
-Comparative Religions
-Worldview and Philosophy

Math (BJU Press):
-Algebra 1
-Algebra 2
-Consumer Math
-College Algebra (dual credit from Maranatha Baptist University) - 1 semester
-College Calculus (duel credit from Maranatha Baptist University) - 1 semester

History (BJU Press):
-US History
-Geography, Cultures, & Societies
-World History
-American Government (1 semester)

Science (BJU Press):
-Physical Science

ELA (BJU Press):
-9-12th grade Literature, Grammar, Writing, Spelling, Vocabulary

-Fine Arts: Speech/Drama
-Foreign Language (2 years)
-Family Life Skills
-Senior Internship

*BJU curriculum descriptions given at Abeka curriculum descriptions given at Answers curriculum descriptions given at